Saturday 14 July 2012

Careful what you wish for...

Friday was just lovely, time with the kids and with good friends, but as usual it was also quite busy. So, when hubs came home and had to work for a couple of hours I decided to have my hour by popping to get a few bits we needed at the supermarket.

Of course these things always sound great (and in fairness it would usually be something I would enjoy), but in fact I was tired and the bits we needed were stressful to find and I ended up hungry, exhausted and confused! Another late night meant I didn't even manage to do this blog, which I had promised myself I would do every day. But the good news is that today was really blissful and I intend to be in bed before 11pm for the first time this week - that's a promise to myself I am going to keep.

Today I haven't had any special time to myself, but frankly haven't felt any the worse for wear, it was a beautiful day with family and W from a previous blog also came on a surprise visit. While hubs watches an old movie I'm going to update my website and will have had a pretty perfect day. Roll on tomorrow.

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