Sunday 5 August 2012

Busy, busy

The original mission to have more 'me time' has evolved into more of an appreciation of the time I have, and what I do with it. Over the last few days I've not had a moment to get on the laptop - but for all good reasons. It's been a lovely mix of family time, as we celebrated our crystal wedding anniversary with a special day out all together, and some 'getting things done' time as we tried to do some of the big jobs around the house that have been on our minds for a while.

To be honest, I've also been totally absorbed by the Olympics, and the excitement is growing now so I'm typing furiously between the wonderful Silver medal for the 400m, and the countdown to the men's 100m!

Time is so precious, and as the 100m is about to show, just ten seconds can become the focus of the whole world. I'm enjoying the focus I'm putting on my own choices about how to spend each moment, and have made real changes to my actions... and it feels good.

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