Friday 17 August 2012

How about a minute a day?!

Well, I've decided not to make too many plans on my day off from now on, as they never seem to materialise... This week has gone in a flash, not sure I've managed my mission more than once. It's been a 'giving' week time wise as lots of good causes have needed my attention.

I have done all that was asked of me with good cheer - but now feel like curling up with a huge glass of wine and a good book (possibly some chocolate) in bed to recover from being nice. I do try hard to be kind and caring, but there are times when I need to just be a miserable so and so on my own. The weekend also looks packed, so I am pinning all my mission hopes on Monday, but as I reach for a tissue and feel a cough coming on it may be another plan that will be shifted...

I guess even happy people are allowed the odd grumpy day?

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